How can the violin help my child’s confidence

We all want our children to have good self-esteem. We want them to feel like they are capable of doing things and succeeding. Learning to play an instrument, the violin specifically can help your child achieve better confidence and give them a sense of achievement.


Hi, I'm Melodie with the Violin Practice Partner, and I've been teaching violin for 25 years. It's my mission to help light the world through music by helping children learn to play the violin, while also gaining confidence, learning important life skills, and improving their academic achievement.


Today I want to share how learning to play the violin can help boost your child’s self-esteem.


#1 – A sense of pride and achievement

Imagine your child has been working hard on a new piece for weeks, and they finally master it. They can see the progress they have made, and they’re learning that setting goals and making progress can create a sense of satisfaction.


Mastering an instrument comes in stages and is continuous, so they will repeat this cycle, mastering one new piece then picking up another to succeed at. This process will help them through life, as their self-efficacy grows. They will eventually learn that they can do anything if they set their mind to it and take it one step at a time.


#2 – Playing with other musicians

Playing in a group can be really helpful to children! They learn to read social cues from the other players and practice working with others to create beautiful music. Spending time practicing in a group helps to build bonds between the musicians. And the friendships they’ll build could last for life.


#3 – Learning self-expression

Learning to play the violin helps children become more comfortable with self-expression. This is valuable to their emotional health. As they grow older, they can also use their music to help them express themselves.


#4 - It’s fun!

This is one of the more obvious reasons to learn an instrument. Playing music actively engages and stimulates the brain, which can be extremely fun for your child! Falling in love with music will help them learn to appreciate and create beauty in this world.


Thank you so much for considering how learning the violin could help your child. If you would like your child to learn but don’t know what to look for in a violin teacher, click here for my free guide!


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